Saturday, January 31, 2015

Why do people leave the church?

I've moved on to the ecclesiology section of my doctrinal statement - the end is now in sight!!!! - and in the middle of some research, I came across an interesting quote:
"I would therefore suggest that the main reason people leave a church is because they have an entitlement mentality rather than a servant mentality."  
(Here's a link to the full article: *Please note that though I have cited the source, I cannot at this time give an endorsement of the gentleman that wrote it, since this is the first article of his that I have read.)

I agree with Mr. Rainer on this one; the church has been pervaded by the mentality of entitlement. Quite an accurate description, really. We have mastered the art of self-centeredness, thinking we deserve everything exactly as we'd like it, and not considering what is best for all involved. And when things don't go our way, we feel no shame in moving right along to the next thing, or in this case, church.

I'm not here to condemn but to challenge both you, my reader, and myself. I'm vested in my church; I want it to keep growing. But I know that can only happen if the people that enter its doors have a desire to give and serve and be changed more like Christ. So I ask you, what kind of mentality do you have towards your church? Do you come to church seeking to serve others, to give of your talents and gifts so that other believers can be edified and encouraged? Or do you come to church every Sunday expecting only to get, and criticizing all the imperfections you see? Can I encourage you that you will receive a much greater blessing if you enter the church doors ready and willing to invest and be a blessing to others?

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Weighty Subject

I've been working full steam these last few weeks on my doctrinal statement, the final step of my application. It has been exciting to dig deep and flesh out on paper exactly what I believe, and I am very thankful to have kept notebooks from my college doctrine classes, as well as having the world wide web for resources!

Tonight, however, was quite sobering. I just completed the section on what I believe about hell. Talk about weighty. I didn't write or learn anything new (other than which verses I'm basing my beliefs on), but to sit here and read what I just wrote is powerful. Scary. Because I believe with my whole heart that hell is literal, it's physical, and it's unending torment in a lake of fire. And people I know and have contact with every single day are headed there, unless they know and believe on my Savior.

I can't help but ask. Do you know Jesus? Know the One who chose to die for you, so you could stand forgiven in front of the throne of the Almighty God?

And for you, believer, I have a quote I came across today that reflects both my thoughts and ongoing conversations with a kindred spirit, and convicts after studying what the Bible says about hell. Here it is:

"Perhaps if there were more of that intense distress for souls that leads to tears, we should more frequently see the results we desire. Sometimes it may be that while we are complaining of the hardness of the hearts of those we are seeking to benefit, the hardness of our own hearts and our feeble apprehension of the solemn reality of eternal things may be the true cause of our want of success."      ~Hudson Taylor