Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Honduras Happenings

Lots going on here the last few days...
Friday was our youth rally - we had about 168 youth from 5 different churches in attendance! I helped with running some of the games and then the group from Florida had some special music and their youth pastor preached. They are here until this Friday and have done a couple puppet shows for the kids at VBS and are helping wherever is needed.   

 Sunday, one boy was baptized.
 We had about 103 kids Monday at VBS and today were at 130 or so. I counted 51 in the oldest class where I am helping. We said kids could come up to 11 years old, but the class also has some that at 12-15 years old and have come. Today after Hermana Maria taught the lesson, I worked on reviewing the songs with them - both singing and then asking them what the one song meant when it said we will win  victory with Christ. We had a good talk then about Christ and how we are sinners and need Him as our Savior. That was a stretch to my Spanish skills - all on the spot. I hadn't planned ahead of time what songs we would do or that I would be asking what the song meant.

Tomorrow I will be teaching the lesson - wouldn't you know it's on Naomi and Ruth! Pray for me to have the words (I know it well in English, but teaching in Spanish is another story) and for the children here to be learning from the lessons.
 This is Angie and I. She is Mrs. Conover's niece.

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